
Privacy Policy

1. General Information: Boscana is located in San José, Costa Rica. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal data.

2. Data Collection:

2.1 We collect the following personal data from users:

  • Email
  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number

2.2 This data is collected through sign-up forms on our website.

3. Data Usage:

3.1 We collect your data for analytics purposes and to get in contact to provide our services.

3.2 The data collected is retained permanently unless a user requests its deletion.

4. Data Sharing:

4.1 We do not share user data with third parties.

5. User Rights:

5.1 Users can request to see their data at any time.

5.2 Users can request modifications or deletions of their data.

6. Cookies:

6.1 We use cookies for marketing purposes.

6.2 Users can opt out of cookies by emailing us at [email address].

7. Third-party Links & Services:

7.1 We use Google Analytics and Meta Pixel for analytical purposes.

7.2 We control and manage the data shared with these third-party services.

8. Data Security:

8.1 User data is protected using Google and Meta security protocols. Credit card information is secured by Stripe.

8.2 Protocols are in place in case of data breaches, ensuring timely notification and resolution.

9. Children’s Privacy:

9.1 We do not knowingly collect data from children under the age of 13.

9.2 We comply with children’s privacy laws, such as COPPA in the U.S.

10. Changes to the Privacy Policy:

10.1 Users will be informed of any changes to this Privacy Policy via email.